We have all heard the corny saying in the fitness industry, "You can't out train a bad diet." Well, I am here to tell you that this oversimplification is absolutely true.

Your eating habits (diet, nutrition, etc) dictate the success or failure of your weight loss journey. To keep it short and simple, how you eat and how much you eat will make or break the outcome. While getting active can also help, your nutrition is the key factor to you losing weight successfully.
When you think about your weight loss journey, it is absolutely natural to want it to happen most expeditiously. Hell, even for me wanting to gain muscle, I wanted it to happen within the next 3 days. However, gradual and steady weight loss (about 1 to 2 pounds weekly) will most likely help to keep the weight off in the long run (no pun intended). If starting a diet that seems super restrictive (no carbs, no eating for several hours, etc) may not be your best option. The BEST diet is one that you can stick to and enjoy. Sustainability is key to losing weight and keeping it off.
The weight loss journey will take commitment, consistency, discipline, and most importantly, a plan of action. This means changing your lifestyle to eating better, getting regular physical activity, getting adequate sleep, and stress management.
Step 1: The commitment
This right here, is your reason for starting. The final straw that brought you to FINALLY seeing through your BS and taking action. Whether that's to feel better in your own skin/clothing or to keep up with your kids. Write these reasons down, save them as alarm clock notes, make them part of your affirmations. This will serve as a daily reminder of why you want to make this change and COMMIT.
Step 2: Assessment of where you currently are
Write down everything you drink and eat for 3 days. In doing so, this will help you become more aware of the food and beverage choices you're making and help you realize whether or not they align with your goals, keeping you accountable as well. Also, tracking your physical activity, how well you slept, and emotional state can help you understand your current habits and possible stressors while also identifying areas where you can implement change.
Step 3: Set SMART(aF) goals

SMART goals are:
🐻Specific: Your goal statement should make it clear exactly how you need to focus your efforts. To be specific, a goal should answer the questions: who, what, when, where, and why.
🐻 Measureable: You want your goals to be measurable so you can track your progress. This portion of your goal statement will answer the questions how much or how many.
🐻 Achievable: Your goal should challenge you, but reaching it shouldn’t be impossible. You need to be realistic when setting your goals; otherwise, you will be setting yourself up for failure (and frustration).
🐻 Relevant: Does your goal matter to you? Will achieving it bring you closer to your ultimate vision? You have to make sure that your goal fits in with the bigger picture of your life.
🐻 Time-Bound: The deadlines you set for your SMART goals will prevent less important tasks from getting in your way and delaying progress. You’ll be able to keep your priorities straight when you have the sense of urgency that comes along with a deadline.
🐻 Forgivable: Remember you are human. Allow yourself to be less than perfect. Progress over perfection folks. If you've followed me for some time now, you should know this!
Okay cool, Bear. But what the how the hell do I use this for weight loss? Fret not baby bird.
"I will exercise for 30 minutes, 3 days a week, for the next 6 weeks to break up my sedentary lifestyle and increase my energy levels."
S: This statement identifies the specific action the person is going to take and addresses its purpose.
M: Each session acts as one unit of measurement out of three for the week and each session must be 30 minutes.
A: The goal setter has all of the tools they need to achieve this goal.
R: This goal is relevant to the ultimate goal of losing weight.
Badda boom badda bing, fuhgettaboutit! 🤌🏽
Step 4 Find helpful resources and support
Having family or friends support this journey can add accountability. This journey can feel easier when you have others cheering for your success along the way.
Signing up for a nutrition plan, fitness classes, or personal training are great resources to utilize. These are professional guided programs that all have a dedicated person that wants nothing but your success on this journey.
